콘텐츠 정보책임자
- 담당자이종란(042-869-2704) ranalee@kiom.re.kr
최근 수정일 2023-01-17
WHO 전통의학협력센터로서 한의학연은
한의학연은 앞으로도 WHO와의 적극적인 교류·협력을 통해 한의학을 바탕으로 인류 건강증진과 국민 보건복지 향상을 위해 최선을 다해 노력하겠습니다.
WHO 전통의학협력센터 지정 기념 현판식 (2011.03)
제 1차 WHO 서태평양 지역 협력센터 포럼 (2014. 11)
국가보건의료시스템 내 전통의약 역할 강화를 위한 WHO 국제회의(2015.5)
제 4차 WHO 서태평양 지역 협력센터 포럼 (2022.11)
좌, 우로 이동 가능합니다.
번호 | 지역 | 국가(도시) | 기관명 |
1 | EURO | 영국 (런던) | University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine |
2 | 이탈리아(밀라노) | State University of Milan, Centre of Research in Medical Bioclimatology, Biotechnologies & Natural Medicine | |
3 | 노르웨이 (트롬소) | UiT The Arctic University of Norway, National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NAFKAM) | |
4 | WPRO | 중국 (상해) | Fudan univeristy, Academy of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Modern Medicine, Shanghai Medical College |
5 | 중국 (북경) | China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Institute of Acupuncture & Moxibustion | |
6 | 중국 (상해) | Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | |
7 | 중국 (북경) | China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Institute of Chinese Materia Medica | |
8 | 중국 (북경) | China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Institute of Clinical Research & Information | |
9 | 중국 (난징) | Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine | |
10 | 중국 (북경) | Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS), Institute of Medicinal Plant Development (IMPLAD) | |
11 | 중국 (북경) | National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC), Institute for Control of Chinese Traditional Medicine and Ethnic Medicine (ICCTMEM) | |
12 | 일본 (동경) | Kitasato University | |
13 | 일본 (도야마) | University of Toyama, Department of Japanese Oriental Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Oriental Medicine Research Centre (OMRC) | |
14 | 베트남 (하노이) | National Hospital of Traditional Medicine | |
15 | 한국 (서울) | Kyung Hee University, East-West Medical Research Institute | |
16 | 한국 (대전) | Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine | |
17 | 한국 (경산) | National Institute for Korean Medicine Development | |
18 | 홍콩 (가우룽) | Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR, Chinese Medicine Regulatory Office | |
19 | 홍콩 (마카오) | Health Bureau, Macao SAR Government | |
20 | 말레이시아 (쿠알라룸프) | Ministry of Health Malaysia, Traditional and Complementary Medicine Division | |
21 | SEARO | 북한 (평양) | Academy of Koryo Traditional Medicine Science |
22 | 인도 (구자랏) | Gujarat Ayurved University, Institute for Post GraduateTeaching & Research in Ayurveda | |
23 | 인도 (뉴델리) | Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, Department of Yoga Therapy & Training | |
24 | 태국 (방콕) | Mahidol University, Center of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine (CATTM), Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital | |
25 | AMRO | 미국 (시카고) | University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Pharmacy |
26 | 페루(리마) | Seguro Social de Salud del Peru (EsSalud), Gerencia de Medicina Complementaria, Gerencia Central de Prestaciones de Salud |
최근 수정일 2023-01-17