2024 |
Secondary metabolites and transcriptomic analysis of novel pulcherrimin producer Metschnikowia persimmonesis KIOM G15050: A potent and safe food biocontrol agent |
2024 |
Anti-neuroinflammatory Effects of the KIOM -patented Polygonum multiflorum maximized root tuber against LPS-Stimulated BV2 Cells |
2024 |
In vitro multiplication and phytochemical evaluation of Apios americana Medik for enhanced production of the staple food and tissues with versatile bioactivities |
2023 |
Standardization of Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) DC. steam processing and evaluation of its chemical, anti‑oxidant, and anti‑inflammatory properties |
2023 |
Comparative antiplasmodial activity, cytotoxicity, and phytochemical contents of Warburgia ugandensis stem bark against Aspilia africana wild and in vitro regenerated tissues |
2023 |
Ethnomedicine and ethnopharmacology of medicinal plants used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus in Uganda |
2023 |
Changes in Fungal Community and Gene Expression of Specific Ligninolytic Enzymes in Response to Wood Decay |
2023 |
In vitro propagation of Codonopsis pilosula (Franch.) Nannf. using apical shoot segments and phytochemical assessments of the maternal and regenerated plants |
2022 |
Root Extract of a Micropropagated Prunus africana Medicinal Plant Induced Apoptosis in Human Prostate Cancer Cells (PC-3) via Caspase-3 Activation |
2022 |
Botanical features and ethnopharmacological potential of Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R. Br: a review |
2022 |
GC-MS and LC-TOF-MS Profiles, Toxicity, and macrophage-dependent In vitro Anti-Osteoporosis Activity of Prunus africana (Hook f.) Kalkman Bark |
2022 |
국가별 인삼종의 기원 및 기내배양에 따른 종자의 특성 |
2022 |
Influence of various temperatures, seed priming treatments and durations on germination and growth of the medicinal plant Aspilia africana |
2021 |
An in vitro Propagation of Aspilia africana (Pers.) C. D. Adams, and Evaluation of Its Anatomy and Physiology of Acclimatized Plants |
2021 |
볶음 처리에 따른 새싹인삼의 영양성분 및 항산화 활성 변화 |
2021 |
Antioxidant Activity, Polyphenolic Content, and FT-NIR Analysis of Different Aspilia africana Medicinal Plant Tissues |
2021 |
오아시스 전통의학정보포털 및 고의서 빅데이터를 활용한 한약재 과체(瓜蒂)의 고문헌 분석 및 활용 가치 제고 |
2021 |
The Whole-Genome Sequence of Novel Metschnikowia persimmonesis Yeast Species Isolated from Medicinal Plant Diospyros kaki Thunb. |
2021 |
Javanese Turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.): Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, Biotechnology, and Pharmacological Activities |
2021 |
Scale-up production of Rehmania glutinosa adventitious root biomass in bioreactors and improvement of its acteoside content by elicitation |
2021 |
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traditional Indonesian Medicine: A Comparative Review of Herbal Medicines Restricted in Pregnancy |
2021 |
Indirect in vitro regeneration of Aspilia africana medicinal plant through callus, and histological assessment at different developmental stages |
2021 |
Effects of commercial soils on germination, early growth, and chlorophyll contents of Aspilia africana medicinal plant |
2021 |
숙지황 포제법의 표준화 및 현대화 필요성에 관한 소고 |
2020 |
In Vitro Antiosteoporosis Activity and Hepatotoxicity Evaluation in Zebrafish Larvae of Bark Extracts of Prunus jamasakura Medicinal Plant |
2020 |
Verification of the Field Productivity of Rehmannia glutinosa(Gaertn.) DC. Developed through Optimized In vitro Culture Method. |
2020 |
Verification of the Field Productivity and Bioequivalence of a Medicinal Plant (Polygonum multiflorum) Developed using an In Vitro Culture Method |
2020 |
Ethnopharmacological importance and medical applications of Myrothamnus flabellifolius Welw. (Myrothamnaceae)-A review |
2020 |
다양한 보료를 이용한 KIOM 하수오의 포제(炮製) 후 각 보료별 유효성분 함량 비교 |
2020 |
Yeast metabolic engineering for the production of pharmaceutically important secondary metabolites |
2020 |
A Micropropagation Protocol for the Endangered Medicinal Tree Prunus africana (Hook f.) Kalkman: Genetic Fidelity and Physiological Parameter Assessment |
2020 |
Effects of Processed Polygonum multiflorum with KIOM Patent on Bone Remodeling-Related Protein Expression in Human Osteoblast-Like SaOS-2 Cells |
2020 |
Histological assessment of different developmental stages of In vitro micro-propagation of Asparagus cochinchinensis |
2020 |
Ethnopharmacological potential of Aspilia africana for the treatment of inflammatory diseases |
2019 |
The Wound Healing Potential of Aspilia africana (Pers.) C. D. Adams (Asteraceae) |
2019 |
Anti-inflammatory activities of astringent Persimmons (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) stalks of various cultivar types based on the stages of maturity in the Gyeongnam province |
2019 |
한약재 포제법(炮製法) 표준화의 필요성: 용어 표준 중심으로 |
2019 |
Adventitious root culture for secondary metabolite production in medicinal plants: A Review |
2019 |
우수한약재 생산을 위한 표준재배·가공 기준 확립의 중요성 |
2019 |
Mass production of Pinellia ternata multiple egg‑shaped micro‑tubers (MESMT) through optimized growth conditions for use in ethnomedicine |
2019 |
In Vitro Propagation of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. through Nodal Segment Shoots Proliferation |
2019 |
Ethnopharmacological Potential of African Cherry [Prunus africana] |
2019 |
Anti-inflammatory and analgesic potential of Tamarindus indica Linn (Fabaceae): A narrative review |
2019 |
Botany and Ethnopharmacological Potentials of Warburgia ugandensis |
2019 |
Exploring Antimalarial Herbal Plants across Communities in Uganda Based on Electronic Data |
2018 |
A study on propagation of the Trichosnathis Radix (Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. Root) using tissue culture techniques |
2018 |
Analysis of microbial communities in local cultivars of astringent persimmon( ) fruits grown inGyeongnam Province of Korea |
2018 |
Maximizing seedling and root tuber production in Polygonum multiflorum for use in ethnomedicine |
2018 |
The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq., an important medicinal plant, and identification of DNA markers to authenticate Fritillariae Bulbus |
2018 |
A review on the botanical aspects, phytochemical contents and pharmacological activities of Warburgia ugandensis |
2018 |
국내 약용자원 관련기관 네트워크 구축을 통한한약자원 생산 발전 방안에 관한 소고 |
2018 |
Propagation in Korean Herbal Medicine and Commercialization of African Medicinal Plants in Traditional Korean Medicine (TKM) |
2018 |
Development of herbal medicine plants for control technology using Metschnikowia persimmonesis (KIOM G15050 strain) KCTC 12991BP |
2018 |
한약재 생산 및 품질부문의 ISO국제표준화 등재현황 소개 및 대응방안 고찰 |
2018 |
처방 중심으로 본 한약재 시체(柿蔕)의 한의학적 소고(小考 |
2017 |
A Review of the Potential of Phytochemicals from Prunus africana (Hook f.) Kalkman Stem Bark for Chemoprevention and Chemotherapy of Prostate Cancer |
2017 |
시기별 성숙정도에 따른 경남지역 떫은감 감꼭지(시체: ) tannic acid 함량 변화 |
2017 |
하수오의 우량종묘 생산을 위한 담액수경(湛液水耕) 육묘시 종묘 크기와 양액의 종류가 생육에 미치는 영향 |
2017 |
Traditional Indian medicine (TIM) and traditional Korean medicine (TKM): aconstitutional-based concept and comparison |
2017 |
본초현장연구를 통해 본 한약자원생산에 관한 소고 |
2017 |
Differentiating authentic Adenophorae radix from its adulterants in commercially-processed samples using multiplexed its sequence-based SCAR markers |
2017 |
한약자원식물 기반 유용 미생물 소재 개발 |
2017 |
기내 배양 조건 및 상토 혼합조건에 따른 반하 소괴경의 생육 비교 |
2017 |
Issatchenkia orientalis (KCTC 7277)를 이용한 소음인과 소양인 약재의 비교 실험연구 |
2017 |
The complete chloroplast genome sequences of fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim. and Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don, and comparative analysis with other fritillaria species |
2017 |
Characterization of a novel yeast speciesMetschnikowia persimmonesis KCTC 12991BP(KIOM G15050 type strain) isolated from amedicinal plant, Korean persimmon calyx(Diospyros kaki Thumb) |
2016 |
기내증식 대반하의 상토 조성별 괴경 비대 조건 비교를 통한 최적 배양묘 생산 조건 확립 |
2016 |
Development of molecular markers for authentication of the medicinal plant species Patrinia by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis and multiplex-PCR |
2016 |
한약재 반하(半夏)의 기내대량번식법에 관한 소고(小考) |
2016 |
Molecular authentication of Pinelliae Tuber and its common adulterants using RAPD-derived multiplex sequence characterized amplified region (multiplex-SCAR) markers |
2016 |
Molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis of important medicinal plant species in genus Paeonia based on rDNA-ITS, matK, and rbcL DNA barcode sequences |
2016 |
Molecular identification of the traditional herbal medicines, Arisaematis Rhizoma and Pinelliae Tuber, and common adulterants via universal DNA barcode sequences |
2016 |
지황 배양묘 및 종근 생산을 위한 기원검증 및 최적기내배양조건 확립 |
2016 |
경남 지방의 떫은감에서 유래한 한약재 시체(枾蔕, 감꼭지)의 탄닌산 함량 분석 |
2015 |
rDNA-ITS DNA 바코드 부위 분석을 통한 산초 기원종 감별용 유전자 마커 개발 |
2015 |
한약자원 품목별 표준시료와 기내 생산 부정근의 FT-IR 스펙트럼 기반 대사체 동등성 신속 비교 |
2015 |
대반하[Pinellia tripartita(Blume) Schott]의 최적기내배양 및 재분화 조건 규명을 통한 대량번식 |
2015 |
Messenger RNA exchange between scions and rootstocks in grafted grapevines |
2015 |
Development of Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography Method Using Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography for Quantification of Azetidine-2-carboxylic Acid in Rhizomes of Polygonatum Sibiricum F. Delaroche |
2015 |
Metagenomics of un-culturable bacteria in cow rumen: Constructionof cel9E–xyn10A fusion gene by site-directed mutagenesis |
2015 |
선발된 왜당귀 종자를 이용한 최적배양 및 순화 조건 규명 |
2015 |
약용식물의 건전종자 선발 및 발아율 검정을 위한 Tetrazolium Test 소개 |
2015 |
Optimization of Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction of Daurisoline and Dauricine from Menispermi Rhizoma by Response Surface Methodology |
2015 |
Over expression of IPP isomerase and limonene synthase enzymes in Mentha spicata and their influence on the terpenoid metabolism |
2015 |
비파괴성 측정기술을 이용한 한약자원식물의 종자특성평가 |
2014 |
Identification and Functional Analysis of Pheromone and Receptor Genes in the B3 Mating Locus of Pleurotus eryngii |
2014 |
천남성 유전자 감별을 위한 DNA 바코드 분석 및 Marker Nucleotide 발굴 |
2014 |
Identification of Auxin from Pseudomonas sp. P7014 for the Rapid Growth of Pleurotus eryngii Mycelium |
2014 |
Authentication of Akebia quinata DECNE. from its common adulterant medicinal plant species based on the RAPD-derived SCAR markers and multiplex-PCR |
2014 |
Distribution and Diversity of Beetle fauna (Coleoptera:Carabidae) on Korean 4 mountain Jangsan |
2014 |
Microbial Diversity in the Enrichment Cultures from the Fermented Beverage of Plant Extract Using Ribosomal RNA Sequence Analysis |
2014 |
Enhancing Production of Terpenoids in Metabolically Engineered Transgenic Spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) by Salt and Fungal Elicitors |
2014 |
Antioxidant activities and polyphenol content of Morus alba leaf extracts collected from varying regions |
2014 |
금원산 자연휴양림 내 들쥐류의 종 분포 및 특성 |
2014 |
한국한의학연구원 한약표준표본관 특징 및 한약자원의 표본제작 방법 : 식물석엽표본, 약재표본, 액침표본 중심으로 |
2014 |
Fungal and Bacterial Community Succession Differs for Three Wood Types during Decay in a Forest Soil |
2014 |
단순 반복 염기서열(SSR) 분석을 통한 둥굴레 수집유전자원의 유전 다양성 분석 |
2014 |
한약재 천산룡(穿山龍)의 기원식물인 부채마(Dioscorea nipponica Makino)와 단풍마(Dioscorea quinquelobata Thunb.)의 형태학적 특징과 이화학적 감별 |
2014 |
한약재 오가피 기원식물 (오갈피나무, 섬오갈피나무, 지리산오갈피)의 유용물질 분석 및 단백질 탐색 |
2014 |
Essential Oil Yields and Chemical Compositions of Chamaecyparis obtuse Obtained from Various Populations and Environmental Factors |
2014 |
竹葉과 黃芩 복합물의 항비만 효과 |
2014 |
3P (Paper, Patent, and Product) 분석을 통한 한약재 연구 현황 |
2014 |
항고혈압 본초의 약성 분석 |
2014 |
Effect of Ecofriendly Pesticides Against Adoxophyes orana (Lepidoptera: Tortrididae) on Tea Tree (Camellia sinensis L.) |
2014 |
DNA 바코드 분석을 통한 패장 기원종 감별용 분자 마커 개발 |
2014 |
한약재 산약(山藥)의 기원식물인 마속(Genus Dioscorea) 한약자원식물의 형태적 특징과 재배 현황 |
2014 |
FT-IR 다변량 통계분석 기법을 이용한 반하의 원산지 식별 및 예측기술 |
2013 |
Diversity and antimicrobial activity of isolated endophytic bacteria from Deodeok (Codonopsis lanceolata) of different locations and ages |
2013 |
Changes in Phenolic Compounds (Isoflavones and Phenolic acids) and Antioxidant Properties in High- Protein Soybean (Glycine max L., cv. Saedanbaek) for Different Roasting Conditions |
2013 |
ArticleAntiplatelet and antithrombotic effect of Phyllostachyspubescens leaves and Mume Fructus combination |
2013 |
Construction and Expression of a Novel Paenibacillus polymyxa GS01 Bifunctional xyn43A-lin16A Gene through Overlap Extension PCR |
2013 |
Soluble phenolics and antioxidant properties of soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivars with varying seed coat colours |
2013 |
동북아 5개국 공정서의 식물성 한약재 기원종 비교 : 同名異屬種을 중심으로 |
2013 |
한약재 낭탕근(莨菪根)의 기원식물인 미치광이풀의 유용물질 생산과 응용 |
2012 |
In vitro selection of salt-tolerant Ailanthus altissima Swingle |
2012 |
Enhancing the Enzymatic Activity of the Multifunctional β-Glycosyl Hydrolase (Cel44C-Man26AP558) from Paenibacillus polymyxa GS01 Using DNA Shuffling |
2012 |
Comparative Analysis of Terpenoids in in vitro Culture Media of Metabolically Engineered Transgenic and Wild Type Spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) |